Summer Programs 2016 Accommodations, Ride Shares & Bursary

Our Early Bird registration is approaching quickly (April 10, 2016).
If you are wanting to RIDE SHARE from a further away location beyond the Kootenays, please get in touch with me and i can see what I can arrange.
We are pleased to say that we do have a BURSARY PROGRAM. If you would like more information about partial or full bursary please contact Sue at .
If anyone wants to SHARE ACCOMODATION, please let me know as well. Below is a list of accomodations in the Nelson area. Cedar Hall is located 6 miles outside of Nelson on the North Shore.
1. Kokanee Glacier Resort (250-825-9421) 3 min drive
2. Alpine Inn (250-352-5501) 10 min drive
3. Villa Motel (250-352-5515) 10 min drive
4. North shore Inn (250-352-6606) 10 min drive
5. Prestige Inn (352-3395) 15 min drive
Prestige lakeside resort: 352-7222 (15 min drive)
6. Dancing Bear Inn (hostel) (250-352-7573)
7. Kokanee Creek Provincial Park (CAMP) (google it) 10 drive
8. Nelson City Campground 352-7618 15 min drive