Update for Fall/Winter 2017-18
Hi string friends,

As you all know, for the time being, Jeff Faragher is spending much of his time with professional obligations in Calgary. Jeff returns to Nelson regularly to spend time with his family and do some teaching but he doesn’t have the time for consistently scheduled coaching of ensembles or orchestra. We apologize for any disappointment this may cause and hope you will find other stimulating musical opportunities for this year. Stay tuned for Fall/Winter/Spring 2018/19 programs!
Summer Programs 2018
We are happy to announce that both CELLO FOCUS and CHAMBER STRINGS will both be happening again this year, it will mark our 5thyear! Stay tuned for announcements via email , our website www.mountainsidechambermusic.com and FB.
Please contact Jeff Faragher at 250-505-2506 or Jefffaragher@gmail.com if you are interested in cello lessons in Nelson or by skype in Calgary.
Sincerely, Sue Mistretta (Administrator)